You know what to do Required Watch Rank is B and you can go into battle during anytime. Visit the elementary school gym to find Yo-Kai hidden as a baseketball. In front of the Flower Road toy store, you will notice a large figurine of a superhero.
"Pringurón" combines "Pringado" (Sucker) and "Tiburón" (Shark). Yokai watch 2 shrook series Cutta-nah Aquamarine, Tourmaline and Opal."Tōshirozame" translates as "amateur shark" (藤四郎鮫)."Shrook" is a portmanteau of the words shark and crook.Shrook agrees, but after Nate demonstrates his complete lack of talent due to being completely average, Shrook surrenders and gives up his Yo-kai Medal. Nate challenges Shrook to take away his talent, demanding that Shrook return everyone's talents if he fails. Once Nate identifies him, he refuses to cooperate and steals away Whisper and Jibanyan's talents so they can't use the Yo-kai Pad or the Paws of Fury. Shrook appears in EP075 after he causes some street performers to mess up their acts. Being traded: "I don't know ANYTHING about this town.Receiving food (favourite): "The good stuff!".Befriended ( Yo-kai Watch): "I like you! I don't know why, but I do!".Voraciously devours enemy HP and divides it among his allies Turns a foe into an amateur and drops STR. Shrook can be found in the Seaside Cave in San Fantastico. Shrook appears in the Seaside Cave at night. Shrook appears on the Rugged Path in Breezy Hills. Shrook (Japanese: Tshirozame ) is a Rank B, Water-attribute Yo-kai of the Slippery tribe. Shrook is capable of returning the talents he steals if willing. Shrook appeared in 2013 video game called Yo-Kai Watch.

In the anime, Shrook does this by blasting the victim with a stream of fire from his mouth. Shrook is somewhat of a bully, indicated by his taunting of those he Inspirits after turning them into amateurs, and seeks enjoyment from watching professionals embarrass themselves after he takes away their talent.Īnyone Inspirited by Shrook will lose any mastery of anything that they are good at and become novices once again.
Similar to Chummer in appearance, Shrook is a turquoise-colored shark Yo-kai with cream-colored skin on his stomach, human-like feet and hands.