Optionally, set "File Extensions" to the extension of the rom file.Optionally, set "Default Core" to the one you downloaded.Set "System Name" to the name of the emulated system.Set "Content Directory" to the directory containng the rom.Select "Import Content" -> "Manual Scan".
Retroarch has an internal list of file hashes and what games/systems they correspond to, which works for most roms, but since stuff isn't working for you, I'll assume you need to do a manual scan. SNESEmulation RetroarchSNESEmulation BSNESRetroarchCore SNESGamesOnPCWith the BSNES Retroarch core, you have practically perfect SNES emulation at your f. To save the rom/system association, you can scan the rom file from the playlist menu.

If not, you'll need to figure out what's going wrong. If that works, you can move on to saving that association.
Not all of this will necessarily be helpful for solving your issue, but it's better to have redundant info up front than to need to ask for more multiple times.Īnyways, based on the limited information you originally gave, here is my best guess of what's happening and how to fix it: What system are you running Retroarch on?.Which core are you trying to use? Does this happen with multiple cores?.How are you opening the rom? I.e., from a scanned device-specific playlist, or the "Open Content" menu?.We're gonna need a lot more information before anyone can realistically help you :